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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 848

When's your birthday?

When's your birthday? (1937 in film) is an American film directed by Harry Beaumont. While original prints of this film had a cartoon sequence in Technicolor directed by Bob Clampett and Leon Schlesinger, most prints (including the Internet Archive) have the sequence in black-and-white.


D.O.A., a film noir drama film directed by Rudolph Maté, is considered a classic of the genre. The frantically paced plot revolves around a doomed man's quest to find out who has poisoned him, and why.< name=imdb>. This film marks the debuts of Beverly Garland (as Beverly Campbell) and Laurette Luez.
The film stars Edmond O'Brien and Pamela Britton.
Leo C. Popkin produced D.O.A. for his short-lived Cardinal Pictures, but failed to renew the copyright in 1977, so that it has fallen into the public domain. The Internet Movie Database shows that 22 companies offer the ... continua

Alice In Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland is a 1915 silent film adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, directed and written by W.W. Young and starring Viola Savoy as Alice (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland). This film version is notable for depicting the 'You Are Old, Father William in its entirety and it includes an image of John Tenniel's illustration of Father William doing his back-somersault at the front door.

Pot o Gold

Pot o' Gold is a 1941 in film United States romance film musical film starring James Stewart and Paulette Goddard, directed by George Marshall (director),< name="Maltin2008"/> and based on the radio series Pot o' Gold (radio program). The film was released April 3, 1941, eight months before the NBC radio series came to an end. Paulette Goddard's singing voice was dubbed by Vera Van. The film is also known as Jimmy Steps Out (American alternative title) and as The Golden Hour (in the United Kingdom)

The haunted house

The haunted house is a 1921 in film short comedy film starring comedian Buster Keaton. It was written and directed by Keaton and Edward F. Cline. The runtime is 21 minutes. One of the more memorable sequences of the film involves bank teller Buster spilling glue all over his counter, reminiscent of a scene in his first film The Butcher Boy

Daedalus And The Evil Unicorn

Public Domain Animation

Paradise Express

A small railroad is being squeezed out of business by the tactics of a trucking company owned by gangsters

The goat

The goat is a 1921 in film short comedy film written, directed by and starring comedian Buster Keaton